
Why I Workout

The thought behind this post started over the weekend on a hike with one of my friends and fellow bikini competitors. When you hike a 14er, you have lots of time to talk and our conversation covered a lot of ground. But one of the main topics we talked about was fitness. Why do we do it? Is it all about competitions?

Why Do You Workout? #MoveHappy // FITaspire.com

Why do you workout?

I’m sure I’ve talked about this is several different ways before, but I think it’s an important one. Why do I workout?

  1. To be healthy
  2. To achieve whatever crazy goal I’m training for at the time.
  3. To be fit to LIVE!!

That last one is main reason for me. I want to experience everything life has to offer & I want my body to be able to keep up. Of course being healthy means I’ll be able to live a long active life. And the crazy goals keep me motivated to improve myself and my fitness.

[Tweet “Why do you #workout? Have you thought about #fitness as a way to experience life? @FITaspire”]

Looking good in a bikini competition is cool, don’t get me wrong. But life is bigger than just that one event.

Life is a whole bunch of experiences around this big world.

It’s hiking mountains that rise above 14,000 feet.

Why Do You Workout? #MoveHappy // FITaspire.com

It’s rafting freezing cold rivers and jumping off 30 foot cliffs.

Why Do You Workout? #MoveHappy // FITaspire.com

It’s exploring the ocean and seeing a whole underwater world that is hidden if you stay above the water.

Why Do You Workout? #MoveHappy // FITaspire.com

It’s taking a bike tour around Paris to see a city from a different perspective. This was the day after Kirk’s first Ironman and before the blog.

Why Do You Workout? #MoveHappy // FITaspire.com

There are so many things to see and experience. Making fitness a priority in your life means you will be ready to take on new adventures when you have the chance. Finding a workout you enjoy means you’ll actually enjoy the process along the way.

That’s why I want you to keep #MoveHappy alive!

So you can live a long and healthy life. Achieve the crazy goals that inspire you. And be ready to experience the adventures that life brings your way!


Questions for you:

  • Why do you workout?
  • What do you want to be fit enough to experience?