
JEFIT Strength Training App Review!

Earlier this month, as I asked you guys for a recommendation on a great strength training app. I was surprised that everyone had that same problem – there had to be something available!

Since then, I’ve downloaded several more apps and searched the internet, finally finding one that works great — JEFIT Workout, Bodybuilding and Fitness Application!

JEFIT Strength Training App Review

I actually downloaded this app before, but I couldn’t really figure out how to use it in the way I wanted to. The online help isn’t great and I couldn’t really tell if the Pro Edition ($4.99) would address my needs. I finally decided to risk the money and downloaded the paid version.

Thank goodness I did, because it works!

There’s a website that synchronizes with the app, so you can build your routine either on the site (which is what I’ve done) or directly in the app. Then when you get to the gym, you pick your routine (by the day of the week)

JEFIT App - Routine Manager

Once I set up the routine, I use the app for everything else.

When you get to the gym, open the app and click the routines button. Your current default routine will be listed out, so just pick the day you’re ready to do.

JEFIT App - Routines

Then you see a list of the exercises for that day (screenshot below). Pick the first one in the list to start the workout. Assuming it’s in their database, you’ll see an animated photo on the left of the exercise. To the right is a summary of the last time you did that exercise, which is a great reminder of what weight to start with.

JEFIT App - Exercises

Once I finish a set, I choose/enter the weight & reps, then click Save & Rest. That immediately starts the rest timer (which I set for 60 seconds). It shows the countdown on the screen, then makes a noise & vibrates when the rest interval is over. If it’s your last set of an exercise, it also show you the next exercise, so you can get ready.

JEFIT App - Rest Timer

And that’s it! Really easy to use (once you know how it works) and eliminates the need for me to carry my phone (for #proof photos & rest interval entertainment) and a pen/paper around the gym. I actually think I’m moving through my workout faster using this, since I know exactly when my 60 second rest is over.

By the way, the website says there is both an iPhone and Android version of this app!

I received NO compensation for this review and paid for the app with my own money, it’s just a product that I knew you guys would like! And since the app help was confusing to me, I thought this overview might help you skip that step.


Questions for you:

  • What do you think, would this app help you?
  • Which side are you on – iPhone or Android? I use the android version, of course. 🙂