Tomorrow is one of my favorite days every year – Kirk and my wedding anniversary! It’s a day to celebrate our commitment to each other and all the fun we have had together and look forward to the future. So today I thought I’d share a little about our story.
Kirk and I actually met in high school (*queue the cheesy music*) – way back in 1996. We met a the birthday party of a mutual friend and I thought Kirk had great hair. We went to high schools on opposite sides of the county, so dating including lots of driving between our houses. We met before our junior proms, which means we went to 3 proms and 2 homecoming dances together.
We both participated in JET (Joint Enrollment) Program and attended Kennesaw State University during our senior year. We both laugh about watching trashy talk shows in the student center between classes. After high school, we both went to the the University of Georgia. Thank goodness for sorority photos – we have tons of pictures of our time together in college.
Our senior year of college, Kirk proposed in the most romantic way. We have a candlelight ceremony in the sorority where we pass around a candle and a girl who was pinned, lavaliered, or engaged blows out the candle as it is passed to her around the circle. First time around – blowing it out means you were were pinned, second time means lavaliered, and third time means engaged.
I had no idea I was getting engaged that night, but Kirk coordinated with the girls to make sure the candle stopped at me the third time around and he walked in (in the middle over 120ish girls) and got down on one knee to propose! It’s was amazing and I wish I had photos of THAT night – he is such a romantic. 🙂
About 7 months later, we were married in front of 300 of our closest friends – it was fantastic! Remember that I LOVE to dress up, so the wedding was formal (black & white colors) with all white roses and you see those awesome over the elbow white gloves?! It was a wonderful day!
The last 11 years have been filled with so many wonderful experiences. One of the great things about dating for 5 1/2 years is you have plenty of time to really get to know a person. We have been very blessed with a wonderful marriage with lots of memories made along the way. We love traveling together and experiencing new things together.
As we celebrate our anniversary every year, it’s a reminder of what we’ve been able to enjoy together and to look forward to the things in our future. We’ve got a full day of fun planned for tomorrow, including running, breweries, spectating at a cycling race, dinner, and a massage on Sunday.
Even better – in a week we’ll get to head out together on another cruise vacation (which is also how we celebrated our honeymoon!).
I love my hubby and I’m so excited to celebrate another year of marriage to the most awesome guy ever!