
I Hate Running

Me and running are on bad terms right now. I’m trying really hard to turn things around and be positive, but I’m not doing a very good job. In fact, I called Kirk during the final miles of my “long” run on Sunday…crying…and told him that very thing. In fact I finish too many of runs in tears recently…it’s a little sad.

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I continue to quit this marathon every weekend, but always turn around and say I’ll do it anyway. I’m so burned out on running right now, it’s not even funny. Runs that should be easy at this point are a constant struggle.

I hate running because:

  1. It’s hard.
  2. It’s frustrating. Knowing I should be able to do more than I can.
  3. It hurts…always something aching right now.

I love running because:

  1. It’s hard.
  2. It gives me the energy to be active in other areas.
  3. The sense of accomplishment after a hard run that I pushed through.
  4. The feeling of freedom on that sought-after, effortless run.
  5. The scenery. Either at home or while travelling.
  6. The calories I burn while running.

2012-10-06 10.09.16  2012-10-06 11.42.30

It’s interesting that coming up with things I hate was so much harder than the things I love. That just reinforces that I still love it deep-down, running and I just need some space!

I can’t wait until I can say the marathon is over, less than 2 weeks from now. I hope I can say it was less miserable than expected from all the altitude running. Then I can take a break, we can have our space, and I can refocus on all those reasons I love running.

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Until then, I’ll enjoy my time in the gym, the shortening of my runs, and think about crossing another state off my marathon list. I’ll read the race reports of some amazing women I know who have been kicking butt with their running (like Kristin, Linz, and Krysten, to name just a few). And dream of getting my running mojo back again some day.


Questions for you:

  • Any love/hate relationship in your life right now?
  • Do you have a running mantra?