
A (Mostly) Plant-Based Diet

Have you ever made a decision you knew was right, but dreaded telling your friends? You know people expect one thing and you don’t want to disappoint them with something different.

If so, I hope you’ll understand how I feel about sharing this today. It wasn’t a decision I took lightly. I seriously prayed about it and debated it in my head for months. There finally came a point where I realized I was more concerned with what people thought, than what I felt was right. That’s not the way I want (or should) make decisions.

So…when I was on vacation, away from everyone (but Kirk) who knew me, I decided to try eating fish again.


If you’ve read my story, you know that I stopped eating all animal products (except honey) because of the way we treat animals during their life. I also LOVE the way I feel when I don’t eat those things. I admitted I missed sushi during my plant-based anniversary post, which is very true. Missing something is not a good reason to make a change – let me make that clear.

How are fish treated during their life? Are there really the same issues with factory farming that led me to remove other animal products from my diet? There are large production fish farms that have overcrowding issues, but it doesn’t seem nearly as widespread (so much easier to avoid). I have found information for seafood conditions, which seem more often to be wild-caught.

The other consideration was how I would feel after eating fish. I remember getting that “heavy” feeling after eating meat (which you don’t notice until you stop for a while). I haven’t experienced that feeling at all after trying seafood or fish.

What was NOT a consideration? Protein. I am NOT eating fish or seafood to add more protein to my diet. I get plenty of protein to support my active lifestyle on a plant-based diet.


I know that there are going to be people who are very disappointed in my decision, but I feel this decision is right for me right now. I didn’t want this to be something I kept to myself, as I think it’s important to share what’s going on in my life. I plan to continue eating a plant-based diet the vast majority of the time, but to eat fish or seafood on occasion.