
Competition Countdown – 2 Weeks to Go!

I’m tired. I’m under two weeks out from my first competition and the workouts are HARD! I’m working my butt off and I am wiped out at the end of my workouts. Especially cardio! The big day is so close now, so I just keep reminding myself it’s almost time. I want to make each workout count and squeeze every ounce out of these last few weeks.

The Progress

So I was curious to see if I could see progress using the many #proof photos that I have taken since training started in August. Below is the closest shots I could find – one from the beginning half of each month. No dramatic transformations, but I was in decent shape when I started this process. And drastic isn’t typically healthy.


I can see a clear difference from August to November – which is pretty cool! My arms and legs have leaned out – and even with clothes on you can see a change around my middle. I love being able to see my hard work laid out like this, because when you’re in the middle of it, it’s hard to recognize in yourself. This is exactly why you measure progress in training!

I have been more focused on visual changes, but for those who like numbers I also weight and take measurements occasionally. My weight didn’t change until the last month, but as of yesterday I have lost 6-7 pounds (more than I expected). As far as measurements, I’ve had steady progress here and have lost a total of 7.6 inches lost (as of October 26).

The Workouts

Last week I shared a bit about the workouts, but at the time I wrote the post I hadn’t even entered them all into JEFIT for training. Now I’ve done each workout at least twice, so it’s easier for me to share:

  • Monday: Legs & Back + 60 minutes cardio intervals
  • Tuesday: Shoulders, Chest, & Legs + 60 minutes cardio intervals
  • Wednesday: Legs & Arms + 60 minutes cardio intervals
  • Thursday: Legs & Back + 60 minutes cardio intervals
  • Friday: Shoulders, Chest, & Legs + 60 minutes cardio intervals
  • Saturday: Rest Day!!
  • Sunday: Legs & Arms + 60 minutes cardio intervals

Yep – it’s a killer schedule right now. And yes, I work legs every training session! Plus cardio on either the treadmill, bike, or elliptical. On the bright side, most exercises are just medium weight instead of heavy, which is a tiny bit easier.

My schedule is to get up early (5AM) to give myself time to eat breakfast & do my quiet time with God before hitting the gym. At a minimum, I do my strength workout for an hour. On most days, I follow that with 30 minutes of cardio before refueling and getting ready for work. At lunch or immediately after work, I do my second 30 minutes of cardio (or the full hour, if I didn’t do morning cardio). That leaves my evenings fairly free, which is what makes me feel the most balanced right now.


Counting today, I am 12 days out from show day. It’s very real and a little scary. I still wonder if everything will tighten up for the day of the show, but I’m trusting my coach (and praying!). And practicing my posing!

While I only post weekly updates here, I post most of my workouts on Instagram throughout the week. I hope you’ll follow me there to keep me accountable & motivated!


Questions for you:

  • Do you pay attention to the mental aspect of training?
  • How was your training last week?