
Sweet Miso SooFoo {Recipe}

I switched around my workouts yesterday to try to fit in more stuff in less time. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out quite as I had in my head, so 6 miles turned into 3.25 miles…and I was still late for bible study. I never seem to plan enough time to get ready to run & then clean up after a run.

Source: the– via Stevie on Pinterest

I also seem to be struggling with outdoor exercise and the pollen right now – anyone else? The tree pollen in Atlanta has died down significantly (that bright, neon green stuff), but whatever is in the air right now is really making it hard for me to breathe on my runs. I feel like outdoor workouts are so much harder than they should be.

Thank goodness we have some good air filters indoors, so my indoor workouts are a lot better. Otherwise, I think I’d be feeling very out of shape right now! 😉

How are your workouts going this week?

The pollen count may be high, but I still have a great recipe to share to help fuel your workout endeavors! Today’s recipe is made with a new product of blended grains and lentils called “SooFoo®” or “Super Good Foods”, which I was sent last month to test & review.


What is SooFoo®?

… [The ] “perfect” combination of 9 ingredients including: Long Grain Brown Rice, Brown Lentils, Wheat Berries, Oats, Barley, Black Lentils, Rye Berries, Green Lentils and Buckwheat.

When I got my bag to try out, I was surprised to see that they sent me a “SooFoo®” cooker (or rice cooker) to go with the product. They must have known that I didn’t have a rice cooker and have been cooking “the old fashioned way” on the stovetop. I have to say, it’s awesome to put the grains in the cooker with water and walk away. Why has it taken me this long to own a rice cooker?!

During our first test, we cooked the grains alone and added no seasoning to really taste the flavors. It was OK, but it definitely needed something to spice it up and give it more.


When I made this last week, I paired it with Buffalo Tofu (recipe to come) and spiced it with a sweet & savory mix to bring out the flavors of the grains without masking the taste. The result was a perfect complement to the spicy buffalo sauce, although it would also be good with milder flavors.

Sweet Miso SooFoo®

by Heather Blackmon

Keywords: side vegan vegetarian nut-free


For the grains

  • 1 cup uncooked SooFoo®
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-2 tablespoon olive oil

For the sauce

  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tablespoon white miso
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon Bragg’s Aminos or Tamari
  • 1 teaspoon liquid smoke
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper


Prepare SooFoo® according to package directions (I used a rice cooker), combining grains, water, salt, and oil.

In a small bowl, combine all sauce ingredients.

Combine cooked SooFoo® and sauce, mix well.

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This has got to be one of the easiest recipes I’ve posted on the blog – don’t you think?

Would I buy SooFoo® Yes! It’s a nice blend of grains and I enjoy the texture of these combined together. You could also create your own blend, but sometimes I like having a product that has already been combined for me.


Questions for you:

  • Are you bothered by seasonal allergies at all?
  • Do you have a rice cooker?


Full disclosure: I received a package of SooFoo® and the rice cooker for free in exchange for an honest review. I wasn’t paid for this post, only honest opinions on a new product.