Endurance Running Strength Triathlon

Sport-Focused Strength: Running and Triathlon

If you’re a runner or a triathlete, what type of strength training routine do you follow? Most athletes realize that strength training is important for endurance athletes, whether they do it or not is another story. In addition to “fitting it in”, it’s also important to ensure that the exercises you choose are appropriate for the phase of training you are in AND the sports you are training for.

There are lots of amazing workouts that I’ve seen across the healthy blogger world that I love, but I haven’t seen many that are made for endurance athletes. Since that’s where my passion lies, I thought I would share some of the strength workouts that I have prescribed to my athletes. This circuit is targeted for the first training cycle (Base or General Prep).



The feedback on these have been great – and I’m already sore from completing this circuit before work on Wednesday. I do love those surrender squats – thanks to Tina for introducing them to me!

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As I noted in the instructions, complete each exercise in sequence (pushups, then walking lunges, etc), then repeat 2 more times. That’s a total of 3 rounds with 15 reps per exercise per round. I’m sure there was a less confusing way to write that.

In case any of the exercises are unfamiliar to you, below are links to videos with a demonstration:

I hope you enjoy this workout! I plan to share more multisport strength workouts in the coming weeks, progressing through different phases of training. Let me know your thoughts and if this is helpful for you!


Questions for you:

  • What is your favorite strength exercise?
  • Do you adjust your strength training while you are training for a race?