
Restoring Balance: Get In The Gym, Part 2

Do you remember the first Get In The Gym workout I posted a few weeks ago? You probably noticed that one only worked half your body – what about the other half? Today, you can balance out your body with the second part of that workout, cleverly named “Part 2”!


Today’s workout focuses on chest, triceps, shoulders, and core. It’s not quite as straightforward as the first half, with slight variations in each circuit. A little pyramid, dips to failure, and a simple (but effective) core circuit.


For those looking for an extra core challenge, feel free to repeat that 5th circuit 2-3 times!

Alternate these two Get In The Gym workouts to create a complete body plan for the week. Please remember that these workouts are light on the legs to help support a heavy running schedule, so you’ll want to add in those moves depending on your training.


Questions for you:

  • What’s your favorite core move right now?
  • Do you plan stretching into your weekly training routine?