Are you a planner?
Some of us thrive on putting together strategies and plans to achieve our goals. The planning is half the fun, because it allows us to dream and lay out a plan for achieving that dream.
On the other hand, some people dread the planning process and put it off as long as possible. It feel overwhelming & you don’t know where to start. You know a plan would help you, but you wish it was already done.

Why Am I Sharing My Process?
As I was talking with runners and triathletes, I realized that many people were still missing the long-term planning that it takes to really be successful in racing. Instead of simply focusing on training for the next race, what would happen if you took a step back and thought about what your goals are for the next season? What do you want to accomplish in the next year?
What if those goals, the ones that you really want to achieve, were the focus when you created your race calendar? Would that look different than your current plan?
What if you took your race calendar and built a training schedule, with periodization built in to help you peak for your top priority races? And what if you understood what types of training to focus on for each period of training. So that you could build out your training schedule, month-by-month, in a (free) online tool that let you plan & track your progress as you progress through the year.
This is exactly the process that I want to share with you. And it won’t cost you a dime!
Plan Your BEST Race Season
If you’re a runner or triathlete who would like to improve their performance or tackle a new distance – this video series is for you. Once you register, you’ll get an email each day for the next 5 days. Each training will cover a new topic and you’ll get a link to watch the video, including notes and homework assignments to help you make progress on your own training schedule. Below is an outline of the topics we’ll cover:
- Reflection & Setting SMART Goals
- Creating Your Race Schedule
- Learn About Periodization
- Create your Annual Training Plan
- Build a Month of Training
As a BONUS, I’m also sharing my personal annual training plan template for you to download and start using immediately to create your own training schedule! We’ll walk through exactly what to do with it on day 4, so you’ll be armed and ready to go.
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Still on the fence? Go check out all the details about this free video training, including more information about what we’ll cover in each training.
Ready to get started? Use the form below to sign-up now and get your first training immediately!