It’s been quite a while since I joined in on What I Ate Wednesday. It’s not something I am always interested in reading myself, so I try to keep it for the times where there’s something different going on. It made sense to me when I was training for my first bikini competition, but until today it hasn’t felt right. Today I’m back with a recipe, a nutrition plan update, and a glimpse into my meals for a day!
Nutrition Plan Update
This weekend, I was talking with a new friend about what my nutrition plan looks like now. I’m still a good ways from my next competition, so I’m working with my trainer on losing body fat slowly. I’m currently on schedule with whereI want to be, losing about 1% to 1.5% per month. Slow and steady, with lots of cheats!
My body responds well to carb cycling, so I’m currently following a cycle of 2 low-carb days, 2 medium-carb days, and 1 high carb days. I get a little hungry on my low carb days, but not bad at all.
So what am I eating?
Now we get to the WIAW part of the post. Here’s a look at my food yesterday, a medium-carb day. Plus a recipe for my breakfast at the bottom of the post!

I have been really focusing on simplicity in my meals this year, so I can spend less time in the kitchen and more time living life (and studying for NASM, and training, and snowboarding, and the millions of other things I want to be doing!). I am repeating meals a lot more often, but only those I really like. Making small changes to mix up the flavors.
Microwave Egg Sandwich
I’ve been making a version of this sandwich for at least a month now. Even on weekends! It’s basic, but I love the flavor and anything with runny yolk tastes amazing. And it’s easy! I’m finally switching it up this week (TVP oats on the menu today!), but I think it won’t take long for this to reappear.
- 2 eggs, pasture-raised and organic
- 1 slice Ezekiel 4:29 Cinnamon Raisin Bread (or English muffin)
- 1/2 cup spinach
- 1/2 tablespoon cherry jelly (or your favorite fruit flavor)
- Start by toasting the bread.
- While toasting, place spinach in a microwave safe container with a top and add a few teaspoons of water. Microwave on high for 30 seconds (or until wilted).
- Crack 1 egg into a prep bowl and microwave on medium for 50 seconds. (Note: microwave strength can vary, so you may need to adjust the time to your microwave). Repeat for second egg.
- To assemble, place toast on plate and spread fruit jelly on top. Top with spinach (or serve on the side, if preferred). Transfer egg gently to top the spinach. Now eat and enjoy!
Now that you’ve seen What I Ate Yesterday, head over to the lovely Jenn’s blog to see what others have been enjoying this week.
Questions for you:
Do you get on a kick with your meals or do you switch it up daily?
What was your favorite meal yesterday?