Nutrition Travel

Avoiding Weight Gain During Travel

I’ve been traveling quite a bit recently. In fact, I was only home for 4 days in September! Many people struggle with gaining weight when they travel, as you are out of your normal routine. You aren’t home to prepare your meals, visit your local gym, and sleep in your own bed — so it can be tough!

As someone who enjoys traveling, I have learned a few tips & tricks over the years to make it easier to avoid gaining weight. Today I’m going to share some of my secrets with you, so you can travel healthy and avoid weight gain on your next trip.

How to Avoid Weight Gain During Travel

Stick with your routine

Don’t fall into the all-or-nothing trap and throw your healthy habits out the road. Instead, stick with your routine (as much as possible) and focus on these high impact areas for your health:

  1. Workout schedule: There’s no need to skip your workouts when you’re on the road. Book a hotel with a gym, or get a pass to a gym in the area. No access to the gym? focus on bodyweight or resistance band workouts to help you sick with your workout routine. Join my Online Personal Training program for easy access to workouts no matter where you are.
  2. Daily supplements: Don’t forget to pack your daily supplements. I bring my supplement organizer with me on trips, so it’s easy to lay them out in the hotel room and remember to take them as usual.
  3. Sleep schedule: Don’t neglect your sleep! Try to stay on as normal a schedule as possible during travel, as sleep has a big impact on your metabolism and immune system.

Focus on Veggies

For some reason, I find that veggies are more challenging to find on vacation. With that in mind, I am always searching menus for vegetables and ordering them first. Focus on green & colorful veggies, to help you get a broad spectrum of nutrients. These are also filled with fiber and will help you feel satisfied faster, so you won’t be as likely to overeat at the meal.

If you are struggling to get 6-8 servings (or just want to get a little extra), I recommend packing a greens supplement. I bring TerraGreens on all my trips and take a serving daily.

Drink LOTS of Water

How much water do you drink daily? Do you drink less when you travel? A good baseline target (minimum) for daily water intake is half your bodyweight in water — that 70oz of water for a 140 pound woman.  I carry my stainless steel water bottle everywhere to make it easier to get in my water. Remember to pack your water bottle for travel and keep it topped off throughout the day.

I add doTERRA citrus oils (wild orange, metabolic blend, and lemon are my current favorites) for extra flavor & an energy boost throughout the day.

Walk everywhere!

Getting extra movement throughout the day is another great way to avoid weight gain. So take advangage of every opportunity to walk a little more. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Take the stairs in your hotel, instead of the elevator
  • Walk to restaurants, stores, sightseeing — anywhere you need to go. You’ll also experience the city in a new way!
  • Use a activity tracker that prompts you to move after inactivity. I use the Garmin Fenix 5s, which also serves as my GPS for running around the city.

Intermittent Fasting

This is my secret weapon for maintaining my weight year-round, particularly when I travel. I shared a bit earlier this year about intermittent fasting with my version of bulletproof coffee, but I plan on an updated post with more on this approach in the next few weeks. While this approach has a number of health benefits, improved appetite control, & improved blood sugar control are two benefits related to weight control during travel.

My approach stays fairly consistent during travel:

  • Instead of breakfast, I mix a serving of MCT Powder (affiliate) into my coffee or tea using a simple milk frother. I use MCT powder, instead of oil, during travel as it’s easier to pack in my suitcase. Less risk of spilled oil during transit. 
  • Lunch & Dinner are eaten as normal (following my tip of lots of veggies at each meal).
  • Fasting is from dinner to lunch the following day. Ideally this is a 14-16 hour window, but that doesn’t always happen during travel for me.

A bonus of this tip, is you save time in the morning. You can use that extra time to fit in your workout before the day gets started.


I hope you find these tips helpful to avoid weight gain on your next trip!