Strength Yoga

LiveFit Trainer: Week 6 Recap & Blend Workouts!

I’m having one of those weeks where I have too much to write and too little time! Blend Retreat was too awesome to rush, so I’m going to focus on the workouts this post. More is coming, I promise!!

Today is really more about LiveFit Trainer anyway, so it’s the perfect place to start. I’m officially halfway through the program!! That’s absolutely crazy to say – how did I already do 6 full weeks?

LiveFit Trainer Week 6

I have to admit that I missed one LiveFit workout this week, but the GPP Fitness bootcamp sufficiently trashed my legs to make up for it!

My favorite workouts right now are arm day – I can feel myself getting stronger there every week and it’s fun! My least favorite this week was probably leg day, because I was sloppy on one of the squats and actually strained my back a bit. A visit to my favorite Colorado sports chiro helped get that worked out in time for Blend. Gotta be careful on the heavy squats!

For cardio this week, I only ran once (trying to baby my back) and did elliptical for my other two sessions at home. My fourth cardio session of the week was Saturday’s Blend Retreat bootcamp, hosted by Neil of GPP Fitness!

GPP Fitness Bootcamp

GPP Fitness Bootcamp

Can  you pick out see Lindsay, Janetha, Katie, Brittany, Calee, Heather, Heather, Lindsay, & Meg in this photo?

The workout was very different than what I’m used to and very fun! We started with these super-short sprints that you took off FAST & then stopped short. It didn’t seem to be doing a thing, but my legs told me otherwise on Sunday. 🙂

The second half of the workout was working through a deck of cards, with each suit being a different exercise – squats, burpees, situps, and pushups. The burpees were aggravating my back, but I did the rest with the group. It was challenging for sure!!

Bootcamp Proof!

Me, Lindsay & Laura (left); Lindsay, me, Lindsay, & Laura(right) 

If you’re interested in GPP, they post their workouts every day so you can follow along at home for free! How amazing is that?!

Yoga at The Shop

We originally planned a hike after bootcamp & breakfast, but it was raining pretty and nasty outside so a few of us opted for yoga at a studio in Park City called The Shop.

Beautiful Space at The Shop

Yoga at The Shop Park City

The class was fantastic, but I have to admit my favorite part was the beautiful space. If I lived here, I’d be a regular without a doubt!

The class was advertised as beginner, but it was exactly what I wanted for the day. I’m not much for chanting, so I just closed my eyes and relaxed during that portion at the beginning and end of the class. The rest of the class was a mix between a slower flow, with holding of several poses throughout the flow. The mix of music & chirping birds outside was so calming!

Blends at Yoga

I couldn’t resist this candid photo I found when editing. How beautiful is this group of girls? You may recognize Heidi, Tiffany, Paige, Ashley, Lauren, & Christa in this photo.

I rested on Sunday, while the rest of the hardcore crew did a second GPP Bootcamp. I needed a rest day…well, I tried to do my leg day from LiveFit, but the hotel gym wasn’t really set up for what I needed. Rest day was probably smarter anyway!


Questions for you:

  • What was your favorite workout last week?
  • Favorite body part to workout recently?
  • Least favorite? And why!