If you remember, I started the month after coming back from a vacation – a time that I always allow myself to be more relaxed about healthy eating habits. That always leads to me craving more greens and having the motivation to dive into more balanced meals!
Our original dinner plans fell through tonight, when our oven decided it didn’t want to light. It makes it difficult to cook food without heat. So – we enjoyed an impromptu dinner out instead.
On the menu today:
- Mid-Workout Breakfast – 1/4 Vega Endurance Bar while riding.
- Breakfast – A green smoothie (aka – breakfast of champions) – pretty much the same mix as last week!
- Lunch: Pimiento Cheeze Sandwich (recipe below!) with Kale and Avocado Salad with Creamy Hemp Seed Dressing
- Snack: Another Pimiento Cheeze Sandwich – what can I say, it’s good!
- Dinner: Veggie plate at Bistro VG
When you read today’s title, you probably thought: “Pimiento Cheese is NOT a veggie”. Well, the pimiento pepper in the cheeze IS a veggie – so why split hairs?
The inspiration for this sandwich came on Masters weekend. Traditionally, both Kirk and I have enjoyed an egg salad & pimiento cheese sandwich at the big event. Since I choose not to eat eggs or cheese, this tradition doesn’t work so well. 🙂
I saved the wrapper with Pimiento Cheese ingredients. 😉
After discussing on twitter with Laura & Sarah, I knew I had to try my hand at recreating this classic southern sandwich. (Sarah posted a recipe for egg salad sandwich the Friday before Easter, so that was already covered!)
The result is something my pimiento cheese loving hubby has gone back for seconds (and thirds) of! The only flaw is the texture – the vegan cheese is a bit chewier than the original. BUT, the flavor is delicious and the overall mixture is still creamy & good!
Pimiento Cheeze
Note: I used two different cheeses in my mix to give it a deeper flavor & different textures, but you could also just use one style.
Ingredients (8 servings)
- 1/4 cup cashews
- 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
- 3 tablespoons water
- 1 cup non-dairy mayo (ex: Vegenaise)
- 1/4 cup non-dairy cream cheese
- 1 teaspoon grated onion
- 1 package cheddar Daiya
- 8 ounces block non-dairy cheddar cheese, shredded (ex: Follow Your Heart)
- 4 ounces pimiento peppers, diced
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 16 slices white bread
In a food processor or blender, blend cashews until finely ground. Add nutritional yeast and pulse until combined. Slowly add water, until sauce is creamy and well combined.
Mix together all remaining ingredients in medium bowl. Add cream sauce and stir until combined.
Divide among 8 pieces of bread and top with remaining 8 pieces.
Traditionally served cold!
I hope you enjoy this traditional southern sandwich turned vegan! I plan to serve this one at our next get-together, the perfect finger sandwich for this time of year in the south.
Questions for you:
Are you a fan of pimiento cheese?
Any meals that you’d like to see “veganized”?
What is your favorite party food to serve in the Spring?