Running Travel

Running and Hiking on Antelope Island

If you read Runner’s World, you’ve probably seen the Rave Run feature in each month’s issue, where they feature a runner in some amazing location around the world. I always look longingly at those photos in the magazine, but we’ve never actually taken a trip to experience it ourselves.

Until last week!

Kirk found the Rave Run Antelope Island, which is outside of Salt Lake City. It was a bit of a drive from Park City (about a 1.5 hour drive), but well worth the trip! It didn’t hurt that the weather was perfect for running – hovering around 60 degrees.



This place is unreal – with buffalo and antelope roaming the island with nothing separating us from them. The snowcapped mountains in the background, salt lake surrounding us, and fields of of grass. Even as we were there, it still didn’t feel real.



It took some time to find the trail, but once we did it was pretty easy to follow. A straight shot through the fields, where we saw the antelope running to our right.


Kirk offered to run with our good camera bag, which meant we had the perfect way to capture our memories and share them with you!





The best way to make you feel out of shape? Try running up a mountain where even the valley is above 4000 feet. This sea-level girl was huffing and puffing pretty early on and we finished the climb at more of a hike than a run.



But the views from the top were worth the hike. If I lived in Utah, this would have to be on my rotation of places to run. And running up the mountains would have to get easier eventually, right?



The best way to make you feel back in shape? Run back down the same mountain, it’s much easier in that direction! Especially with the distracting beauty of nature all around you.



I hope you can excuse this photo overloaded post, I just couldn’t narrow down the photos any more than this.


And with today’s inspiring run photos, it’s also time for me to get back to running & duathlon training. Here’s a quick overview of this week’s schedule:

  • MondayBootcamp
  • Tuesday – 1:00 Bike Intervals + 2M Run
  • WednesdayBootcamp + 6M Run Intervals
  • Thursday – 20-25M Bike
  • Friday – Rest Day
  • Saturday – Olde Rope Mill Park 6.5M Race + Bootcamp
  • Sunday – :30m Bike + 10M Run

And finally, a shameless plug for our coaching services! If you are starting to notice races on your schedule getting closer (like me!) and would like some help optimizing your training – check out our coaching options or email me!


Questions for you:

  • Do you have your own Rave Run location? Where is your favorite place to run?
  • What’s your next race goal?