
5 Outdoor Adventures for Warm Weather

As the weather gets warmer here in Denver, I’m starting to think about how I’m going to find adventure during our warmer months. Last year, I was traveling so much I felt like I missed a lot of the fun. This year, I’m NOT going to let time slip away. So far, I’ve made a list of 5 activities I want to enjoy this year.


1. Whitewater Rafting

Last year, we went on one of the last rafting trips of the season. This year, I want to get on the water earlier (even if it is cold!) and get some more experience on a raft. I remember this being an amazing workout last year, so I’m curious to see if it feels any easier now that I am stronger from all my time in the gym.


2. Camping under the Stars

It has literally bee years since we have been camping. In fact, the last trip was more like “glamping” before a bike ride in Georgia. This year, I want to really go camping, ideally when the weather is beautiful and we can enjoy an evening under the stars without a tent. Kirk assures me we do still own camping gear (somewhere), so this year I want to put it to good use!

3. Yoga in the Park

This was one of my favorite ways to start a Saturday at the beginning of last summer. This year, I’d like to spend even more time practicing yoga in our neighborhood park. Since I can walk to both yoga and to our gym, it’s a wonderful way to enjoy the weather and my workouts for the day. It also gives me a extra incentive to find the time for yoga, which is always very good for me!

4. Hiking a 14er (or two)

Another activity we dipped our toe into last year is hiking a 14er (or a mountain with a peak elevation of at least 14,000 feet). Although I only had a chance to hike one last year, Kirk was able to summit three last year. Obviously I have some catching up to do and I’d like to summit at least 2 this year!


5. Try Stand Up Paddleboarding

I noticed last year that one of the lakes in our area offers stand up paddleboarding (SUP). I have read so much about this sport and I’ve always wanted to try it. It looks hard, but I usually have good balance from my dance background. I wonder if that will really help? I can’t wait to give this one a try – although I may wait until the water gets a bit warmer later in the summer. There’s a pretty high chance that I’m falling into the water multiple times on this one!


Questions for you:

  • What warm weather activities are you going to tackle this year?
  • Anything I should add to my list?