Endurance Running

5 Treadmill Workouts to Get Faster

When it’s cold outside, many of us will spend more time on the treadmill than usual. While I recommend you get outside for at least one run a week (yes, even in the winter), choosing the right treadmill workouts are a fantastic way to improve your speed.

5 Treadmill Workouts to Get Faster

So if you’re spending more time on the treadmill – why not put that time to good use?! If you’ve been consistently running for at least 2-3 months, you can begin to add speed work to your training.

I created this workout guide filled with 5 awesome speed workouts, all designed to help you run faster (with the side effect of beating boredom on the treadmill). Included in this free resources, you’ll get workouts for runners who are ready to get started with speedwork, training for a 5K, 10K, or half marathon. The half marathon workout is also great “faster than goal pace” training for those training for a marathon.

Updated February 2017: I also updated this guide to include the best interval running workout that you’ve never tried (and probably never heard of) — CV Intervals.

There’s a running workout in this guide to help you improve your speed, no matter what your goal!

To use these workout, follow these steps to find your own personal training paces. I’ll reference these training paces in each workout, so you are training at the right speeds to really make progress. This is the same process I follow in creating baseline paces for my coaching clients and are very effective!

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Although I’ve titled these treadmill workouts, you can choose to perform these running workout on the track, measured course, or using your GPS watch to monitor your distance anywhere. I personally value the treadmill is a great training tool (especially in the winter), but you should find the approach what works best for you!

Download the updated, free copy of 5 Treadmill Workouts to Get Faster and start improving your running speed with effective workouts.