This weekend was a mix of good and bad. The good included a day on the slopes at Vail – a perfect bluebird sky and still plenty of great snow for riding. Kirk and I also had a nice date night at home that evening, where we cooked a seafood stew and watched a movie on the couch. The bad happened on Sunday, when I woke up feeling awful. Coughing, sore throat, headache, and fever. Yuck. After visit to our local urgent care, they confirmed it is not the flu or strep throat, but some sort of respiratory virus.
Thankfully, I was prepared this week and made Megan’s Blueberry-Oat Streusel Muffins early in the week. I made a few small changes – swapping peanut flour for the almond flour; Z Sweet (baking stevia) for xylitol. For several breakfasts, I’ve enjoyed one muffin and 1/2 cup microwaved egg whites.
I love the texture of the muffins, but with the baking stevia I would probably add a bit more next time. I’ve been on a bit of a blueberry kick, so these filled that craving very nicely!
I have really enjoyed having these pre-baked in my fridge this week. I pop them in the microwave for about 30 seconds to warm them up before eating. If you are looking for an on-the-go treat, I can recommend this one as a delicious & healthy option. Head over to The Lyons Share to get the full recipe.
And now it’s the time to see what others cooked up for this week’s challenge! In case you are new to MMAZ, the goal is to cook a meatless recipe that features the week’s key ingredient (in this case – oats). preferably one of the recipes created for last week’s #MMAZ linkup. If you join the fun, make sure your visit at least a few other participants to help build our little community and share the wealth:

Questions for you:
Is there a fruit you’ve been enjoying more often recently?
Any get well tips to share? I am awful at being sick!