
Strawberry Squash Bread

Last week was too good for words. It’s going to be a tough adjust back to normal this week after so many hours on the snow, so much good food, and just a whole lotta fun. I completely broke from my normal routine, so it’s going to be a rude awakening. #firstworldproblems

Strawberry Squash Bread

Luckily, I have this warm, delicious bread to help me ease back into reality. When Meghan posted this bread a few weeks ago, I was so intrigued. Not only is this a perfect fit for Meatless Mondays from A-Z, but it is Strange But Good if I ever saw one (right Laura?!). Squash in my bread? And with strawberries?

I had to try this one for myself and I happened to have a butternut squash on hand. Butternut and Acorn have a similar flavor, so I decided to use what I had instead of buying another squash. My risk paid off as this bread is really delicious. It makes your house smell delicious while it’s cooking and tastes oh-so-good when it’s done!

Strawberry Squash Bread

Strawberry Squash Bread

If you like bread, you really do need to try this one before the winter squashes disappear for the spring. I obviously need to make bread a LOT more often, because this was so easy and it’s so amazing to have fresh bread that you made yourself. Kierston has been taunting me with her homemade bread recently and this is obviously why!

So head over to Meghan’s place right now and get this recipe. You won’t regret it!

Strawberry Squash Bread

And now it’s the time to see what others cooked up for this week’s challenge! In case you are new to MMAZ, the goal is to cook a meatless recipe that features one of the ingredients from this past month (in this case – squash and/or tofu). If you join the fun, make sure your visit at least a few other participants to help build our little community and share the wealth:

Meatless Mondays from A-Z: Squash & Tofu

In case you missed the create weeks, check out all the squash recipes and tofu recipes that were created!


Questions for you:

  • When was the last time you made homemade bread?
  • Any tips for re-entering the real world?