Endurance Running

Tips for Starting Run Training {Running Q+A}

After having so much fun with the bikini competition Q&A, I immediately started planning the next series. Even though I’ve personally taken a break from racing, my heart is still very much with running and triathlon. I could talk about these sports for hours, so it makes perfect sense to share my answers to your questions via video! And instead of simply sharing my opinions as an athlete, this time I get to share my expertise as a coach!

Looking to get started or get more serious with running? Sharing my tips for beginners: keys to getting started, building your mileage safely, and ways to stay inspired and motivated. (via @fitaspire)

A few weeks ago, I asked you to share your questions on running & triathlon with me. I’ve tried to organize your questions is a logical order, so today we’re starting with the basics: how do you get started with run training? In this first video, I’m sharing my thoughts on some of they keys to getting started, building your mileage safely, and ways to stay inspired and motivated.

Watch today’s video and please share with any new (or aspiring) runners that you might know:

Highlights from the video:

  • Get fit for running shoes at a running store (not a general fitness store)
  • A combination of run/walk is a great way to get started – check out the Couch-to-5K running program for a great guide (it’s what I used!)
  • Progress slowly! A good, safe method of building mileage is no more than 10% more time or distance of running per week.
  • Plan build & recovery weeks – I typically recommend 3 weeks of increasing mileage, followed by 1 week of decreased mileage.
  • For motivation, you may pick races of increasing distances to keep progressing OR choosing a distance you like and working at getting faster.
  • Focus on improving against yourself – not your friend or neighbor.

[Tweet “Get started with #run training with these tips! #FitFluential #MoveHappy”]

Have a running or triathlon question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming video? Leave your question in the comments or fill out this quick survey.


Questions for you:

  • How did you get started with running?
  • If you are a new or aspiring running – why do you want to get started?