Yoga Programs

Whether you are just get started with yoga or looking to expand your practice, these yoga programs are designed to help you shortcut the learning process and reach your yoga goals faster! Looking for unlimited yoga every month? Check out out The FITaspire Studio. 

Yoga Basics in a Box - beginner yoga program

Only $49

Yoga Basics in a Box​

Everything you need to confidently kickstart your yoga practice (especially if you're tight on time).

Whether you have thought about starting yoga, but you’re a bit intimidated by showing up to class with a bunch of people who know what they’re doing. 

Or maybe you’ve been practicing on and off for a while, but you don’t know much about the poses or what they should look (and feel) like.

This beginner yoga program gives you everything you need to kickstart your practice confidently & quickly. 

Only $49

Mastering Headstands Step-by-Step

Achieve your first headstand at Home!

Take the leap into inversions and build the strength, balance, and confidence you need to master your first headstand!

Headstands are more than just an impressive pose—they can help improve focus, increase upper body strength, and increase confidence — leaving you feeling energized and balanced.

With Mastering Headstands Step-by-Step, I’ll guide you through everything you need to master headstands, all from the comfort of your own home.


FITaspire Yoga Accelerator

The Yoga Accelerator is for yogis who want to deepen their yoga practice in just 90 days. Because you’ve already started to see the benefits of yoga in your life – imagine what’s possible when you take things even deeper!✨

Join the VIP List to be notified when enrollment opens for the next session, including exclusive bonuses &  special pricing!