
What I Will Do In 2012 – Goals vs. Resolutions

This is the time of year that many people are sharing their New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of the usual resolutions, I like to create mine as 2012 Goals. The difference? Many resolutions tend to be difficult to track and often vague. I create my 2012 Goals using the SMART template, similar to how I create my fitness goals throughout the year.


  1. Keep God as #1 Priority by making time for quiet time every day.
  2. At least one planned “Date Night” per month for good quality one-on-one time. We already do a good job of hanging out together, but want to be sure we are putting the right emphasis on still dating as a married couple.
  3. Complete my USAT Coaching certification by July and figure out how best to put my certifications to good use. =)
  4. Run 1440 miles in 2012 – which averages out to 120 miles a month (30 miles a week). Some weeks will be higher and some lower, but I want to keep my yearly average in this range. My sub-goal here is to finally break the 4:00 marathon mark!
  5. Do something to improve Better With Veggies every month – blogger conference, design updates, etc. Specific “to-do” list to be determined.

My list of goals could use some tweaking to make it a little more specific, but I think it’s a good start! I’m a big believer in the saying “if you fail to plan, then plan to fail”. So whether you prefer resolutions or goals – plan something!



January Goals

Taking my own advice, I’ll have monthly goals to help me move toward these yearly goals (plus anything else that makes sense for the month). I’m already a few days late on these goals, but we’ll just count today as Day 1 – it’s my plan anyway!!

  1. Quiet Time every day – at least 15 minutes per day this month. Quality time, not just skimming the pages I’m reading for the day.
  2. Plan January date night (we need to coordinate our schedules) & go have some fun!
  3. Register for USAT Coaching clinic on January 25.
  4. Lots of running this month – 150-160 miles on the schedule for January.
  5. Get back in the pool – time to start swimming again. I want to be swimming 1500 yards/workout by the end of the month.
  6. Strength training at least twice per week AND yoga at least once per week.
  7. Attend the FoodBlogSouth conference at the end of the month. So excited, since this will be my first blog conference and I’ve been looking forward to it since October. Anyone else want to join me?!

Wow that’s a lot of goals in one post! What goal are you setting this year that’s going to take the most work?