
LiveFit Trainer Rewind

We’re still editing lots of photos, so why don’t I start with a LiveFit Trainer while on vacation recap? I’m several weeks overdue anyway!

My Plan

I knew when I started LiveFit Trainer that vacation was going to fall about 2 months into the program. I could have decided that meant I shouldn’t do it at all, but instead I didn’t use it as an excuse and started anyway!


I had envisioned getting all my workouts in on vacation, just ignoring the nutrition (food is always part of the experience for me). In reality, I did some of the workouts and I felt pretty good about that.

The Good & The Slacking

While we stayed in Cairns at the Shangri-la, workouts were easy. The hotel gym was also a really nice gym that locals had memberships to, which was heaven. I nice big space, tons of light, and almost everything I needed to do all my workouts. The biggest challenge was converting from pounds to kilograms, didn’t even think about that!


On our dive boat, workouts weren’t really an option and I knew that. Liveaboard ships are small (about 15-20 people) and they don’t have gyms. Honestly, I was so seasick it wouldn’t have mattered. 🙂

In Sydney, we stayed at the Radisson Blu which had a small gym. I haven’t really done enough research to know how to substitute my normal exercises for the limited equipment most hotel gyms offer. I had even MORE respect for Laura knowing how much she travels for work and still trains like a beast! I need to learn her tricks.

Really – it was vacation and I didn’t get too worked up about it. I did what made sense and moved on with life. 🙂

Diving the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

Up Next?

The next 3 weeks are going to be crazy in my world. First up is my sister’s bachelorette party at Epcot (drinking around the world!!) this weekend. Then I leave Tuesday night to head back to Australia – this time for work. That means another week with a hotel gym. I will figure out what to do before that trip! I fly straight back from Sydney to Atlanta for my sister’s wedding over 4th of July Weekend, with some fun visiting with my Atlanta friends Saturday & Sunday (Which I need to plan! If you’re reading this – we need to get together!!).

So what the heck do I do with all that craziness? Kirk & I decided instead of starting the last phase, I’ll do more of a “maintenance mode” and rewind to week 6. That brings me back to start Phase 3 when life gets a little more normal.

It’s about progress, not perfection. I’m really living that one right now!

Progress not Perfection


Questions for you:

  • What is your typical workout plan for vacation. Kill it or skip it?
  • How are YOUR workouts going recently?
  • Any tips for hotel gyms?