As I write this, I’m currently devouring a HUGE bowl of Kale salad to “detox” my body from a weekend of wedding fun in South Carolina. I ate way more fried food than anyone should, especially someone who rarely eats fried food. My tummy is making me pay. It’s days like this that I remember how GOOD healthy food is, although it was a fun weekend of splurging. 🙂
I’m glad this ended up being a weekend off for MMAZ recipe creation, because I literally had no time. I do, however, have a great idea brewing for the next letter in the list…I did have some extra time to think while flying back and forth across the country this weekend.

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In case you’re new to MMAZ, you get the full scoop here. I love new participants, so please jump in and make a new meatless recipe featuring walnuts next week. I have a great idea in my head for this ingredient that I’m hoping works out well!
- February 11: Walnuts
- February 18: Xanthan Gum
- February 25: Yeast
- March 4: Zucchini
Thank you to everyone for contributing suggestions last week – you’ll see all the ingredients came from that list. 🙂 I love group participation!
Questions for you:
For MMAZ spectators, which ingredient are you looking forward to seeing?
For MMAZ participants (past or future!), which ingredient are you looking forward to creating with most?
- For everyone – best thing you at this weekend?!