
5 Ways to Say Thank You

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which is commonly associated with big family dinners and turkey. Part of what I’ve been focusing on all month is gratitude – and what better day to be extra thankful than on the day that has “Thanks” in its name.

So I challenge you to find an extra way to say Thank You to those in your life tomorrow. And to help you get started, I’m sharing 5 ways that you can express your thanks. No extravagant purchases here, just heartfelt ways to help show someone you care and you are thankful that they are in your life.

thank you

1. Give a Hug

Giving someone a hug doesn’t cost you a thing, but is a great way to express that you care. I still believe that even those that aren’t huggers actually do appreciate the sentiment behind the hug.

2. Homemade Gifts

Something small that you made with your own two hands is a great way to say thank you. It shows that you took time to create something that you think they’ll enjoy. A few ideas that come to mind are bath salts, food in a jar (my chia jelly or nut butter would work well!), or a small craft they would enjoy. To me, the goal is to give them something that shows you care and that they will enjoy.

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3. Write It Down

It’s rare to see handwritten notes anymore, but that makes them special! Write a handwritten list of some of the reasons you are grateful for the person. Why are they special to you? What do you appreciate about them? What do they do that makes you smile? Make a list of 10 reasons you are thankful for them.

4. Unexpected Gestures

The unexpected can be a great way to say thank you. Bringing someone a cup of hot coffee (from their favorite shop or in a mug from home) is a great way to say thank you in the morning. Or you might have dinner ready & on the table when a family member comes home from a long day. How about cleaning up after the Thanksgiving meal for the hosts? Simple gestures like that speak loudly!

5. Give your time

Time is a precious thing in our busy culture. Giving your time to visit spend with someone else is a great way to show you are thankful for them. You can donate your time at a nonprofit in their honor (great for the person who has everything). Or join them doing something you don’t usually enjoy. Maybe you can offer to help with something they need done around the house and couldn’t otherwise do? There are so many ways to give your time and it can be so much more impactful than a gift.

Five different ways to say thank you, without actually saying the words. Actually, saying “thank you” could be the next item on this list! Your words are powerful too! I hope this inspires you to say thank you in a different way.


Questions for you:

  • Who is one person you want to say THANK YOU to?
  • What suggestions would you add to this list?